Week II: Fridays

Morning Office (lauds)
V: Lord open our lips.
R: And we shall praise your name.
GLORY BE to the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (Alleluia)

Invitatory antiphon: Indeed, how good is the Lord; bless his holy name.
Psalm 94(95)


Psalm 50(51)
Antiphon throughout the year: O God, you will not spurn a humble, contrite heart.

Hab 3:2-4, 13A, 15-19
Antiphon throughout the year: In spite of your anger, Lord, have compassion.

Psalm 147
Antiphon throughout the year: O praise the Lord, Jerusalem.

SCRIPTURE READING Throughout the year, or proper to season.
Eph 2:13-16

R: I call to the Lord, the Most High, for he has been my help. Repeat R
V: may he send from heaven and save me. R GLORY BE ... R

Luke 1:68-79
Antiphon: Through the loving mercy of our God, the Rising Sun has come to visit us.

Father, we praise you for your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; through the Holy Spirit he offered himself in sacrifice to you, that we might be delivered from death and selfishness, and be free to live in your peace.
R: Father, in your will is our peace.
We accept this new day as your gift Lord;-grant that we may live in newness of life. R
You made all things, and keep all things in being;-give us the insight to see your hand at work in them all. R
Your Son sealed the new and everlasting covenant in his blood;-help us to live by this covenant and honor it. R
As Jesus died on the cross, blood and water flowed from his side;-as we share in the eucharist, pour out your Spirit upon us. R


Almighty God, as in this morning prayer we offer you our praise, grant that, in your kingdom, together with your saints, we may praise you with even greater joy. We make our prayer through our Lord. Amen.

Evening Prayer (Vesper)
V: O God, come to our aid.
R. O Lord, make haste to help us.
GLORY BE to the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (Alleluia)


Psalm 114(115)
Antiphon throughout the year: Lord, keep my soul from death, my feet from stumbling.

Psalm 120(121)
Antiphon throughout the year: My help shall come from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

Rev 15:3-4
Antiphon throughout the year: Your ways are just and true, King of all the ages.

SCRIPTURE READING Throughout the year, or proper to season.
1 Cor 2:7-10a

R: Christ died for our sins, that he might offer us to God.  Repeat R.
V: In the body he was put to death, in the spirit he was raised to life. R GLORY BE...R

Luke 1:46-55
Antiphon: Remember your mercy, O Lord; according to the promise you made to our fathers.

Christ comforted the widow who ahd lost her only son; let us pray to him, who will come at the last to wipe every tear from our eyes.
R: Come, Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus, you consoled especially the poor and troubled;-look with mercy on those in any kind of need. R
The angel brought you the Father's comfort on the eve of your passion;-we pay that your comfort may strengthen those who are dying. R
Let all exiles know your care for them;-may they find their homelands once more, and come one day in joy to the Father's house. R
Look in love on all whose sins have separated from you;-reconcile them to yourself and to your Church. R
The dead suffered the pain and loss of human life;-give them the fulness of life and joy in heaven. R


Lord God, the Cross reveals the mystery of your love; a stumbling block indeed for unbelief, but the sign of your power and wisdom to us who believe, that we may always believe and glory in his Cross. We make our prayer through our Lord. Amen.

Night Office (Compline)
V: O God, come to our aid.
R. O Lord, make haste to help us.
GLORY BE to the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (Alleluia)


Psalm 87(88)
Antiphon throughout the year: Lord my God, I call for help by day; I cry at night before you.

SCRIPTURE READING Throughout the year, or proper to season.
Jer 14:9

Outside Eastertide
R: Into your hands, Lord, I command my spirit. Repeat R
V: You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. R GLORY BE... R

R: Into your hands, Lord, I command my spirit, alleluia, alleluia. Repeat R
V: You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth. R GLORY BE... R

Luke 2:29-32
Antiphon: Save us, Lord, while we are awake; protect us while we sleep; that we may keep watch with Christ and rest with him in peace (alleluia).

Give us grace almighty God, so to unite ourselves in faith with your only Son, who underwent death and lay buried in the tomb that we may rise again in newness of life with him, who loves and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. R Amen.

Suggestion are given below, or you may use other Hymn for Mary:

O most holy one, O most pitiful, O sweet Virgin Mary!
Mother best beloved, Mother undefiled, pray for us!
Thou art our comfort, and our refuge, Virgin Mother Mary!
All that we long for, through thee we hope for; Pray for us!
See how weak we are, lost in tears; save us, O Mary!
Lighten our anguish; soothe our sorrows; pray for us!
Virgin, turn and look; Mother behold us; hear us, O Mary!
Thou art the bearer of health divine; pray for us!
May thy joys and thy sorrows be our help, O Mary!
In thee we hope; to thee we cry; pray for us!

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